• 03 9646 5863
  • Care Built On Strong Foundations

For individuals with high support needs, we have a variety of (SDA) Specialist Disability Accommodation homes designed to prioritize accessibility, comfort, and care.

What is Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)?

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is a type of NDIS funding that provides specialist housing for individuals with very high needs. While Supported Independent Living (SIL) covers in-home support services, SDA covers the physical home itself.

What is SDA at SymCare?

At SymCare we have access to a range of SDA properties that have been designed to prioritize accessibility, comfort, and care for individuals with high support needs. Our properties feature accessible design elements to enhance independent living and access to necessary supports.

Who can I live with?

Our SDA homes accommodate both independent living and shared living arrangements depending on the individual’s needs. We offer a range of options to suit your requirements.

NDIS Support Categories

Please note that SDA is funded separately to SIL as a Capital Support in your NDIS plan. Our billing is in accordance with the NDIS Price Guide, which is reviewed annually. To find out more, download our Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Vacancies Policy or get in touch with us.